
List of status codes and error types you might encounter.

You can tell if your request was successful by checking the status code when receiving an API response. If a response comes back unsuccessful, you can use the error type and error message to figure out what has gone wrong and do some rudimentary debugging.

Error Types

Here is a list of the different categories of status codes returned by the UsageGuard API. Use these to understand if a request was successful.

Authentication Errors

MISSING_API_KEYThe UsageGuard API key is missing from the request. Ensure that you include your UsageGuard API Key in header x-api-key.
INVALID_API_KEYThe provided UsageGuard API key is invalid. Verify that you are using the correct API key.

Connection Errors

INVALID_CONNECTION_IDThe connection ID provided is invalid. Check that you are using the correct connection ID.
MISSING_CONNECTION_IDThe connection ID is missing from the request. Ensure that you include the connection ID in your request.
CONNECTION_NOT_FOUNDThe specified connection could not be found. Verify that the connection ID is correct and that the connection exists.
CONNECTION_DISABLEDThe specified connection is disabled. Check the connection settings and enable it if necessary.

Policy Errors

POLICY_NOT_FOUNDThe specified policy could not be found. Verify that the policy ID is correct and that the policy exists.
REQUEST_BLOCKED_BY_POLICYThe request was blocked by a policy. Review the policies applied to the connection and adjust them if necessary.

Rate Limit Errors

CONNECTION_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe connection has exceeded its rate limit. Reduce the number of requests or increase the rate limit for the connection.
END_USER_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe end-user has exceeded their rate limit. Reduce the number of requests or increase the rate limit for the end-user.

Request Errors

REQUEST_TOO_LARGEThe request size is too large. Reduce the size of the request payload.
INVALID_REQUESTThe request is invalid. Check the request parameters and ensure they are correct.
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDSThe request is missing required fields. Ensure that all required fields are included in the request.

System Errors

CONFIGURATION_ERRORThere is a configuration error. Check your configuration settings and ensure they are correct.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORAn internal server error occurred. This is a server-side issue, and you may need to contact support if it persists.

User Errors

MISSING_END_USER_IDThe end-user ID is missing from the request. Ensure that you include the end-user ID in your request.

Error Response

Whenever a request is unsuccessful, the UsageGuard API will return an error response with an error type and message. You can use this information to understand better what has gone wrong and how to fix it. Most of the error messages are pretty helpful and actionable.

Errors returned from providers are returned as is, so you can use the error message and error code to understand what went wrong.

Error Response

  "requestId": "traceid-ug-ltexted6fk3d3",
  "error": {
    "message": "Policy type is required",
    "details": "The policy type cannot be null or empty. Please provide a valid policy type and try again.",
    "docUrl": ""

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